Publications and Nautical Query Tools

We will not deny the indubitable progress brought  by the new technologies in the world of sailing. The introduction of GPS and digital mapping was a great success. Practically available for almost any boat, represents progress for both comfort and safety in navigation. But, nowadays, there are Publications and Nautical Query Tools that may be really useful for you.

However, it remains in any log or card table that price, a number of publications and nautical query tools. Besides being mandatory on board, they constitute an element of a «quasi-mystical» value for any sailor.

He will spend many hours checking the data. Sometimes being delighted when preparing the library of his home the next working day. The navigator which has already scheduled his next voyage will rejoice searching on the libraries  the necessary nautical charts of the area. Also the paths or the Pilots. And finally how much nautical information that his knowledge of the area to visit contains.

This would be what is now called in terms of knowledge of the traveler, the stage of «Planning». He planned but simultaneously enjoyed on the chart plotting courses and assuming the wind regime of the area, landfalls, places to visit, and possible alternative anchorages.

Without addressing to regulatory approaches, as these also vary from one country to another, we have allowed ourselves to provide some tools and nautical publications which we believe can make your next navigation easier:



The chart. Must navigate with the card of at least the area where we are located. Today we have folding maps and even marinized maps as British Imray. They facilitate its use in the card table of the boat.

Pilot or Pilot.

As I always say, «the navigators Bible». Necessary inquiry to analyze the area where we intend to sail or anchor. Nowadays, Imray publications have replaced the «wordy» paths of the Hydrographic Institute of Marine, containing these useful information illustrated, color photographs, maps, charts, etc. that make reading not only useful, but fun and entertaining to inquiry.

Book lights and signals.

Also published by the Hydrographic Institute of the Navy. It contains necessary information about beacons and lights. Prior to the use of GPS, this book had a particular importance. Today is not without its value and remains mandatory to use on board.

Atlantic Pilot.

A must for all those sailors who intend to cross the Atlantic Ocean. We can obtain useful information for each month of the year on wind patterns, direction, intensity, wave height, etc.

Nautical Almanac.

Published annually by the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Navy in San Fernando. Basically useful for yacht captains. Their goal is to provide boaters astronomical elements necessary for reducing their observations. It also provides other useful navigation data. It is the necessary complement to the sextant.


Available in multiple formats, we can build our own customized design. Without the need of being from a single boat. It is useful on board for estimated navigation. But, besides that, it has more uses. For example, you can incorporate everything that happens on board. Often, it serves us of consultation and even to entertain a good time after time. It eventually becomes our nautical biography.


In Lanzarote has recently been published by IINN, interesting help guide publications for boaters.  Such as Fondeos and Port Guides 2013. Nautic Ocean provides all this nautical information useful to all guests staying at our Sailor Villas.

With this Publications and Nautical Query Tools announced, now it is your turn to navigate!

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