Sailing Lanzarote, the best place around the world
The easternmost of the Canary Islands, Lanzarote, is a tourist destination known for its scenery and have a nice average temperature around 21 ° C. But besides all weather conditions are fantastic, it is no coincidence that many teams highly competitive sailors choose Lanzarote for your workouts. Ericsson Volvo Open 70, Groupama, Team Telefónica and Puma have been the teams that have already opted for the navigation conditions of this island. Also, it seems that Marina Rubicon is a training base for the equipment of the Barcelona World Race 2014-2015.
The race of the Grand Prix of the Atlantic has reappointed Rubicon as its output port to the eighth edition linking this island to Marina Puerto sailboat in Colombia, and the Caribbean Christmas Rally 2013 also announced his departure from the same Marina Rubicon and arrival at Jolly Harbour in Antigua.
We will provide some data to reinforce our idea why Lanzarote is the best place for sailing.
«Being able to navigate every day in European winter», this certainly is one of the biggest reasons but not the only.
We have allowed a brief analysis of climatological data to illustrate that sailing conditions we will encounter on our visit to the island if we sailing Lanzarote.
NORTH COAST OF AFRICA (20 º N to 35 º N)
North of 30 º N, N and NE winds near the coast.
Quite variable in winter, but more consistent in the summer months. Light winds in summer, with infrequent storms. Winds force 8 or above this area do not affect more than a 2 or 3% of the winter months.
Between 20 ° N and 30 ° N the NE wind is set near the coast, and the winds here blow from the N to NE most of the time in summer and half the time in winter. The wind is stronger in August with an average of Strength 4, and weaker in autumn. The storms are very rare.
On the coast, sea breezes dominate most of the day in summer, blowing from the NW. Gentle breezes at night. Hot winds from the S and E blowing occasionally in spring and autumn, and can reach the Canary Islands.
In November current direction is prevailing SE around 0.5 knots average.
In December current direction is prevailing SE around 0.4 knots average.
The wind both in the month of November and December, is very consistent and NE component is set to half hp 4.
The temporary rate is 1% in November and 0% in December.
The probability of gales during the months of November and December is 3 for each square of 5 degrees of latitude / longitude.
No wind just live the navigator …
Iñigo Losada, trainer of Team Telefónica, explains the advantages of Lanzarote for the development of the crew: «The availability of wind every day, with different intensities prevailing winds and changing conditions in the sea, possible to improve the fitness of the crew of Telefónica in the most specific that can exist in our sport. «
It’s not just the water that turn to Lanzarote in the mecca of oceanic preparation. On land, the island has plenty of routes to practice aerobic exercises such as cycling or running, always in a friendly atmosphere. «In addition to the purely affecting navigation, there is another set of factors that make Lanzarote a good place for sports» continues Losada. «For any discipline, the weather, with mild temperatures allow a comfortable sport at any time of year.»
Iker Martínez’s Team Telefónica said: «We have had many days of wind between 15 and 20 knots, and we have not had to cancel any day of sailing that we had scheduled, nor by much or for very little wind» Finally,
Finally, remember that …
Since Columbus first crossed the Atlantic, leaving from San Sebastián de Gomera, the islands have been a favorite jumping-off point. With the prevailing northeast trade winds it used to be said that the easiest route back to Europe from the Canary islands was via the Caribbean, and most would still agree.
Situated as they are around 28ºN, washed by the Canaries Current and lying in the northeast trades, the average monthly temperature seldom varies more than 5º either side of 25º Celsius. Water temperatures throughout the year range from about 19º to 22º Celsius.
The seven major islands are spread over a distance os 240M in an east-west line. When sailing between islands it is generally possible to leave ant to arrive in daylight – advisable when visiting for the first time, as harbor lightsare often inconspicuous against the many hotels and apartment blocks.
Barometric pressure and winds
The northeast trades predominate throughout the Canaries and are associated with high pressure established over the Azores. The height and distribution of the islands causes the wind to funnel between them, which the wind strength can increase from 5 knots to 25 knots in a distance of 200m. The acceleration zones off both the northwest and southwest coasts of Gran Canaria are amongst the worst.
The plan showing these acceleration zones should be studied carefully. It is best to reef and reduce to a small headsail area before entering a zone, as warning is minimal. That said, in an acceleration zone the seas are moderate so that, if prepared, an exhilarating, sail can be expected.
On a few occasions, usually in the winter months, an Atlantic low pressure system may move southwards to cross close north of the Canaries, replacing the Azores high pressure. When this occurs the barometer will fall rapidly from the normal 1025mb. A fall of 10 or more millibars heralds a gale of 35 knots or more, which can blow from south through southwest to northwest. Before the breakwaters were built, fishing boats were hauled out and yachts were advised to seek shelter in bays on the north sides of the islands. Although the situation has now improved greatly, a high proportion of harbors and marinas are open to the breached in storm conditions – generally the swell is far more destructive than the wind. Local opinion holds that southerly gales have increased in both frequency and severity over the past decade, causing increased damage to property both ashore and afloat.
A barometer rising to 1030 mb or more indicates high pressure over the Sahara and a strong easterly can be expected. seas are then steep and uncomfortable, and sirocco should be anticipated.
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