An innovative nautical experience

Today we want to present you a new concept. We want to present you the Tomb of Santiago by sea. The «Camino de Santiago» is a route that, as everyone knows, brings thousands of pilgrims from around the world. Therefore, the main aim is to venerate, at the end, the relics of St. James.

There are many paths that lead to Santiago de Compostela. Perhaps the best known is the French one. But also others as the primitive, coastal, Basque-Rioja or the path of Liebana among others.

Well, now we have known the existence of a new path, specially designed for nautical tourism. We are talking about the way of the sea. A voyage of 90 nautical miles between the cities of Porto and Santiago de Compostela. First of all, this way of the sea, organized by a non-profit  pilgrim association, will go by on board a sailboat. The route will cover the Portuguese Atlantic waters and the Rias Baixas in Galicia, through the Natural Park of the Atlantic Islands.

What does the tomb of Santiago by sea can offer

It is intended to combine sailing with accommodation in hotels exquisitely selected. The enjoyment of the charms of the Atlantic region, such as the renowned gastronomic quality of local products are also the main points. Never forgetting, furthermore, the mysticism of its landscapes. The Ulla river will be travelled by speedboat, 23 kilometers from the Portuguese way with intermediate visits to wineries, wine tasting, and live music while traveling.

Finally, a short journey on foot will be made to reach the Cathedral of Santiago. There, travelers will attend the traditional Pilgrim Mass, to finally receive «La Compostela«.

the tomb of santiago by sea

A new concept by sea

In addition, the route will take place every Friday since the next Easter 2016, and will last until September.

Finally, in Nautic Ocean we are finalizing all the details to offer our customers this exciting innovative sailing experience. Due to the long tradition of this tomb, this new experience concept is a must try!

If you are interested in this exciting adventure, don’t wait and book it now!

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