Sailing with children in a family vacation

Often, before renting a sailboat, we ask for this issue. Parents are usually too protectionist and guess the danger of our children before it occurs. This instinct is innate.We will not trivialize the issue, but we will try in this article to give some guidelines or recommendations for some advice. We can relaxingly share with the kids this activity. We will provide both them and us a very stimulating experience. Today you’ll learn some guidelines to take the maximum profit of a family vacation on of board a sail boat.

The ones who most enjoy the sea

My experience has always shown me that the little ones are the ones who most enjoy sailing on a boat. They are never seasick. They do not complain about anything. And some of the things that adults may seem more uncomfortable with in a boat, are just plain fun for them.

Here I will remember that quote of a good friend of mine who always says it:

living on a boat is the most expensive way to live like a poor person.»

Indeed, if somewhat exaggerated, life on board can never be compared to a holiday in a hotel or a vacation, for example.

Let us first recall that we are in a boat, a floating element that is not our usual way. And, therefore, the captain is the boss! He will be the one that once getting to the boat, will give appropriate explanations regarding security.

If you have qualifications and will exert as skipper, you will act in the same way. That is warning our crew that the sea has given us a mandate that will exert an exemplary manner! Some laughter may escape at this time, but we will try to impose our government …

The first question we usually ask ourselves is: ¿What should I bring for the little ones? We will try to shed some light on these questions.

Need to know

Against the sun

Solar protection? Of course it is necessary for the entire crew, but especially for them. It must become a ritual after taking our breakfast, to conveniently apply our protector. We’ll be long exposed to the sun and is very important to avoid harmful solar rays.

Protect the head. A cap or a scarf. But it is very important especially for the most little ones.
Some boats are equipped with a Bimini. This is a kind of mobile awning that extends throughout the stern of the ship. Remember: the stern is the back of a boat and the bow front.

The aim is to precisely protect ourselves from exposure rays Sun. Therefore, do not forget to make sure our boat incorporates this accessory because not all of them have it. We must inquire it to our supplier and ensure that incorporates this accessory.

It may seem something without much importance. But getting sunburnt may ruin, at least, one or two days of our family vacation.

For movement on board

Comfortable shoes and rubber soles. We will choose fresh shoes but that must firmly grasp the foot. We must avoid going barefoot on the cover. This advice is equally valid for adults. The cover is full of dangers for our feet. If it is a sailboat, traps are even greater… Rootedness, fittings, bolts and metal parts awaiting carelessness to hurt us.

Once aboard, we must avoid …

Touching the anchor chain or windlass located at the bow. Especially during mooring maneuvers.

We won’t take a bath until the skipper give us appropriate instructions. He will check that the boat is perfectly anchored and you have the ladder on. We will ensure that the depth is sufficient, for the more intrepid who want to jump seamlessly from the boat. In some areas, we will check that there are no jellyfish lurking and can spoil our swimming.

Here we will make a special mention of these marine invertebrates that we can find. If one of us is affected by a jellyfish, avoid fresh water. Proceed to clean the wound with saline, and in his absence seawater. Then cover it with a cloth, preferably cold, to avoid sunlight. You can administrate an antihistamine and a pain reliever if the pain was strong.

After all these checkings, we will draw our «experienced divers» equipment. Then, we will enjoy the incredible sea beds of Lanzarote. Usually, most boats have several snorkeling equipment, composite fins, mask and snorkel.

The life vests. First, we must recognize that we will not be able to bring them all day. But, at least, we will when the ship is sailing with people on deck, or sail at night. Needless to say that if wind and sea conditions drench, using the vest is necessary for kids but also for the entire crew.

Planning our family vacation

They say that the adventure of a journey and the excitement begins in the moment we decide to embark on a trip. It will be advisable and funny to engage them, the smallest of all the preparations. Considering that for them is an extraordinary adventure.

We can assign some tasks on the ship, which will make them feel an important part of the adventure. We can turn a simple notebook into our «Logbook». Each day, we will not down everything we have seen, the places where we have been and anecdotes. Those surely will happen. They can draw whatever they like the most. Some notes of humor, as well as wind and wave data, are concepts that they will learn having fun.

Another recurring subject during the live aboard is that language so different that things of a boat have. We can turn it into a game and go pointing all these «buzzwords» that we hear as starboard, port or tacking. They are just some of the words that, surely, when we conclude our voyage, will have entered our vocabulary in a natural way.

In Nautic Ocean we want to make sure you enjoy the most your family vacation. That is why we have many plans that can suit your demands. And this is also why we have a special heading for family experiences. ¡Check all of them in our web page now!

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