Graciosa Island, a nature reserve.

I so much wanted to write a post about this interesting island: La Graciosa Island. Not surprisingly, it was the first contact I had with the Canary Islands on my journey from the Peninsula aboard of my 50 foot sailboat. A journey that subsequently had to take me to cross the Atlantic to the Caribbean.

The Graciosa Island is located in the so-called Chinijo Archipelago. It is located on the north of the island of Lanzarote. It is declared a Marine Reserve. This has allowed to keep some beautiful and secluded beaches. Being an island that has no paved roads, it contributes further to be considered by some the island with greater serenity of the whole Canary Islands. The most comfortable way to reach the island is to go walking or cycling. But, anyway, we’ll also find rental companies of all terrain cars.

The Beaches

We can find some amazing beaches there. «Las Conchas» beach, of about 600 meters long, and «La Francesa» beach, of bout 435 meters long and 30 meters wide. Not forgetting the majestic Yellow Mountain Creek southwest of the island of La Graciosa Island.

We’ll find two villages there. One is Pedro Barba, and the other Caleta de Sebo. They are known because of their white houses and sandy streets.

Our Journey

As said earlier, after a journey of approximately 6 days after our last landfall in La Línea de la Concepción. First of all, we had there a little bit of everything, as it comes to be normal when you navigate. Afterwards, we fond this wonderful island that we didn’t hesitate to » assault». About the adjective is no exaggeration, because if we had known the rules of the island, we wouldn’t have had the courage to enter his small but beautiful port without proper permission from the Canary Cabildo.

After convincing the guards of the reserve (some advantage had to bring navigating the Balearic Islands, where you get used to all kinds of tricks to get mooring …), we managed to moor and visit this magnificent enclave. Secondly, as we arrived in the afternoon, after the deserved bath and grooming (which is necessary after 5 days sailing with 7 men …), we were dedicated to have a drink in a relaxed fashion bar that is in front of the same port.

There, we already perceived that this island was the paradise of relaxation. Amazing views and an absence of noise allowed us to enjoy that magical moment that happens after only hearing the sea. Typically, what one is used to, it is to undergo a sudden change, caused by those noisy or by a cove full of bathers ports. Here, no. The transition from the sea to the land was something sweet and natural.


We fastly became friends with the guards. After the frontal crash, thing went more smooth. And then with the people we met there immediately. We ended the day with a neat meal ograciosa islandf fresh food that we were served grilled and accompanied by the so inseparable and typical potatoes from the Canary Islands. They are called «papas».

That night, after a meeting on the deck before bed, just for the pleasant experience of stargazing in such a clear sky, we could sleep comfortably. It was done without the need for night watches and with that and hateful sound at 2 or 3 in the morning when you wake up your partner to tell him that he has to wake up. And that is when you are more comfortable at bed.

We dedicated the day after to freely explore the island.  Some rented bikes, others took the opportunity to clean the boat, and others simply set out to stroll and photograph an island that surely didn’t let indifferent anyone.

Understanding the latitudes

The distance from the La Graciosa Island to Marina Rubicon,  south of the island of Lanzarote, in Playa Blanca, is 35 miles. Puerto Calero is 34 miles and Puerto Arrecife 24 miles from it, so you have no excuse to visit this island by boat from any of the Lanzarote ports.

It was not necessary to set up the alarm on the  next morning. There was strong wind. I left my cabin and watched with amazement what the anemometer showed: gusts of 41 knots. Nothing seemed to indicate that the wind had to have that intensity. As always, we had checked the forecast for the next day, as we had to leave, much to our regret, to Marina Rubicón in Lanzarote. It was our starting point to Regatta Atlantic Grand Prix we wanted to cover.

Well, as I did not understand much, and given the need to make a decision about our departure, I entered the wonderful internet world of the taverns of the ports. I was in my sauce, what feelings I had!. Knowing that there are still those places where all the wisdom of the sea and its people is condensed… And it personally evokes my tenderest marine reading stories with Joseph Conrad, Patrick O’Brian and Captain Aubrey, or Commodore Hornblower Forester, to only name a few…

The port

Sure enough, there was that sea lion I was looking for. And as always, he carefully explained the influence exerted on the peculiar coast that the wind is channeled to and pushed hard. La Graciosa Island forms a channel called river there, with the older sister island of Lanzarote. So this is just a local wind. In addition, it does not raise any sea and disappeared once we left the lee of the island. Indeed, after the bewilderment of my crew before my explanations, we set out graciosa islandto sail, but not before one last look at the stern of our boat to an island will always keep fond memories.

Some interesting facts

Caleta de Sebo

35540 La Graciosa

Tel. 928 842 104

Furthermore, La Graciosa island and the islets of Alegranza, Montaña Clara, Roque del Este and Roque del Oeste. Part of the Marine Reserve of the Chinijo Archipelago, the largest marine reserve in Europe.

VHF Channel 9

Number of berths: 216

Maximum draft: 5 m

Bocana lights:

Green FL G 5 s. 3M

Red FL R. 5s. 3M

Finally, to make mooring reservations, we handle in Nautic Ocean everything, but it should be done well in advance, especially for the months of July and August, due to the record more applications.

In addition to the ship’s own data, we will request:

Photocopy of ID / Passport or NIF of the petitioner.
Leaf Boat Seat
Insurance policy and the document proving its validity.
Signed request for the «Provision of berthing / Anchoring» the Government of the Canary Islands.


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